Kelly Bronner and Dylan Braverman Obtain Dismissal of Death Claims Against a Prominent Harlem Nursing Home

Kelly Bronner and Dylan Braverman obtained pre-answer dismissal of all wrongful death, malpractice, negligence and statutory violation claims brought against a prominent Harlem nursing home. Plaintiff claimed that the patient was exposed to COVID-19 during the initial surge of the pandemic in New York City. Kelly and Dylan moved to dismiss pre-answer on the grounds that plaintiff did not and could not assert a cause of action due to the COVID-19 immunities and the facts of the case. Plaintiff retained two experts in opposition and alleged that the immunities did not apply. Nonetheless, the Manhattan judge agreed with the arguments advanced by the BPN COVID-19 team and dismissal all claims. We are proud to serve the frontline responders who protected all New York when we needed it most.