Joshua Cohen Secures EMR Win in Appellate Division

Joshua Cohen prevailed before the New York Appellate Division on a novel issue involving a plaintiff’s demand for an inspection of the plaintiff’s electronic medical record (EMR) with their expert to review and extract metadata and an audit trail.  Plaintiff argued the physician’s record may have been altered after the care at issue and sought […]

Brian Andrews and Dylan Braverman Obtain Dismissal of Death Claims Against NYC Nursing Facility

Brian Andrews and Dylan Braverman obtained pre-answer dismissal of all claims brought against a NYC nursing facility who suffered greatly during the initial surge of COVID-19 in the Spring of 2020. Plaintiff claimed that the patient’s exposure to COVID-19 was due to infection control violations, and lack of resources resulting in death. Plaintiff claimed that […]

Dylan Braverman and Brian Andrews Obtain Dismissal of Claims Against Major Research Hospital and Two Physicians Based on the Federal PREP Act Immunity

Plaintiff brought a malpractice claim against a major Manhattan Research Hospital as well as two physicians. The claims were that the COVID-19 vaccine was contraindicated due to preexisting conditions, and resulted in significant and life threatening complications. Dylan Braverman moved to dismiss based on the federal PREP Act which holds medical providers immune when claims […]

Josh Cohen and Dylan Braverman obtain a dismissal of all claims against a Brooklyn Hospital

Josh Cohen and Dylan Braverman prevailed in obtaining dismissal of all claims brought against a busy Brooklyn Hospital based on the COVID-19 immunities. Plaintiff brought a malpractice action due allegedly developing pressure ulcers and sepsis during the hospitalization. While the patient was initially not being treated for COVID-19, plaintiff tested positive during the admission. The […]

Neil Mascolo and Veronika Tadros obtained summary judgement on behalf of their client in a “loading and unloading” coverage action.

Neil Mascolo and Veronika Tadros obtained summary judgement on behalf of their client in a “loading and unloading” coverage action. The case involved a Declaratory Judgment action commenced on behalf of our client who had issued a disclaimer pursuant to the “loading and unloading” exclusion in the CGL policy.  In a decision dated May 10, […]