Kelly Bronner and Dylan Braverman Obtain Dismissal of Wrongful Death Claim against Faith-Based Nursing Home

Kelly Bronner and Dylan Braverman obtained dismissal of wrongful death, malpractice and statutory violation claims against a major New York City Metropolitan area faith-based nursing home. Plaintiff brought the initial action without capacity to do so. The case was dismissal due to lack of capacity. However, New York law allowed plaintiff to recommence within six-months […]

Nicole Varisco, Dylan Braverman and COVID-19 Team Obtain Dismissal of All Claims Against Nursing Home Based Upon COVID-10 Immunities

BPN attorneys Dylan Braverman and Nicole Varisco obtained dismissal of all claims related to alleged malpractice by a NYC nursing home during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the Complaint, it was alleged that the facility was unprepared for the COVID-19 pandemic and failed to adequately supervise the patient resulting in a fall and fracture. The BPN […]

Megan Lawless, Dylan Braverman and COVID-19 Team Obtain Dismissal of All Claims Against a Gastroenterologist, an Internal Medicine Hospitalist and a Major New York Multidiscipline Medical Practice

In a very hotly contested matter, plaintiff claimed that the patient was allowed to bleed to death overnight in codefendant’s ICU. BPN represented the consulting gastroenterologist and attending internal medicine hospitalist, as well as their employer which is a large multidiscipline medical practice. After years of deeply contentious litigation, motion practice and almost a dozen […]

Scott Singer Secures a Unanimous Defense Verdict in Kings County Supreme Court.

On October 22, 2024, Scott Singer secured a unanimous defense verdict before Judge Wavny Toussaint of the Supreme Court of Kings County. The plaintiff, who had a long history of recurring joint infections in her hip, claimed that the defendant orthopedic surgeon negligently performed hip reconstruction surgery while she still had an ongoing infection. She […]

Adonaid Medina Secures a Dismissal of Complaint from the Appellate Division

Adonaid Medina, of our Appellate Team, secured the affirmance of the dismissal of a complaint from the Appellate Division, Second Department. The action was commenced for alleged medical malpractice, wrongful death, negligent hiring, supervision, and retention, loss of consortium, and loss of parental guidance, in relation to the care and treatment provided by our client, […]

Neil Mascolo Wins Summary Judgment in Nassau County

On July 25, 2024, Neil Mascolo won summary judgement on behalf of a property manager in a premises liability matter venued in  Supreme Court, Nassau County. Plaintiff, an employee of the buildings cleaning sub-contractor, sued numerous parties, including the property owner and one of the cleaning sub-contractors, alleging that the defendants were negligent in causing […]

Mamie Stathatos-Fulgieri and Jesse Wang win summary judgment on behalf of a major NYC hospital

On July 30, 2024, Mamie Stathatos-Fulgieri and Jesse Wang won summary judgment on behalf of a major NYC hospital in a medical malpractice action venued in New York County Supreme. Plaintiff alleged that the hospital negligently discharged the plaintiff’s decedent, resulting in the decedent’s untimely death. In our motion papers, we argued that plaintiff’s decedent […]

Joshua Cohen Secures EMR Win in Appellate Division

Joshua Cohen prevailed before the New York Appellate Division on a novel issue involving a plaintiff’s demand for an inspection of the plaintiff’s electronic medical record (EMR) with their expert to review and extract metadata and an audit trail.  Plaintiff argued the physician’s record may have been altered after the care at issue and sought […]